Wednesday, July 15, 2009

All about rattlesnakes

Hi it's Oliver again. I like reading animal guide books and got one from the library on reptiles. We leave for Big Moose Lake soon. Hopefully we won't see a rattlesnake while there.

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
The Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake is tan with dark brown blotches shaped like diamonds on it and a dark brown mask on its face. It can be 33 to 96 inches long. It lives in sandy areas and pine woods in the southeastern United States. The top photo is the eastern diamondback.

Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
The Western Diamondback Rattlesnake is tan with reddish brown blotches shaped like diamonds on it and black and white bands on its tail. It can be 30 to 84 inches long. It lives in deserts and rocky areas in the south central and southwestern United States. The western diamondback is the bottom photo.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Oliver loves sharks

Horn Shark
The Horn Shark lives around large rocks at the bottom of kelp forests in the Pacific from central California to Baja California. Male Horn Sharks are 25 in. long, and females are 23 in. long. It eats sea urchins, crustaceans, and small fish. There are spines on the Horn Sharks dorsal fins. The Horn Shark is tan with dark brown spots. When it is born it is usually 6 inches.

Huzzah, Huzzah!

4th of July at George Washington’s Home                                                                                        
We went to Mount Vernon for the 4th of july. We heard the Declaration of Independence read and saw General Washington inspect his regiment. Then we went down to the dock. When we were having a snack at the dock, we saw an osprey fly up to its nest that was right above us. There was another osprey in the nest and it was probably sitting on eggs.We watched the ospreys for a while. Here are some pictures of us at Mount Vernon and the ospreys.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ha Ha

First a few Oliver jokes...
Why did the baseball game get cancelled on the hot, hot day?
[pause] Why?
Because there were no fans.

What do you call pasta you just bought at the store?
....mmmm, what?

And now a word on sharks.....
I got a book about sharks at Barnes & Noble. It tells you about what the different kinds of sharks eat and where they live. And it tells how big they get. I drew some pictures of sharks. Here are some of them.